News & Press releases
27 May 2016

Regulators from across Europe feature at the EUROMAT Gaming Summit 2016

Barcelona, 26 May 2016

Delegates from Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Montenegro, Netherlands, Spain, Romania and the United Kingdom descended on Barcelona on the 26th of May for the 2nd edition of the EUROMAT Gaming Summit.

The international audience were treated to insights from some of Europe’s leading operators as well as  a panel discussion with regulators from Spain, Italy, Belgium and the European Commission.

Commenting on the event, Eduardo Antoja, President of EUROMAT  said: “My main conclusion from today’s panel discussions is that  land-based gaming continues to be the bigger segment of the gaming industry, representing almost 70% of  players’ expenditure. It will continue to be the first choice for many years provided that regulation keeps pace with technological, social and economic reality. Today EUROMAT confirmed that it’s not just a great representative body for our industry, it’s a  think tank for our sector”.

EUROMAT confirmed that the next edition of the EUROMAT Gaming Summit will take place in Berlin, Germany in 2017.

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The full Summit programme and speaker information can be accessed directly from the following conference webpage:

The first edition of the EUROMAT Gaming Summit took place in Amsterdam in May 2015, attracting representatives of the gaming industry, policy makers and media from across Europe. The Summit is a credible forum for the land-based gaming sector to discuss major industry and commercial trends as well as regulatory developments with peers, regulators, politicians, the media and other stakeholders. Participants gain the opportunity to network, identify business opportunities and exchange knowledge and expertise.

The European Gaming and Amusement Federation (EUROMAT) is the voice of the land-based gaming entertainment industry in Europe. A highly regulated and highly taxed industry sector accounting for more than 250,000 jobs across Europe.

The organisation was established in 1979 to represent, through its affiliated national associations, private sector operators of gaming machines and the manufacturers that supply them. Today, EUROMAT has 18 national member associations from 13 European countries, as well as two observer members from France and Hungary.

For further information about the EUROMAT GAMING SUMMIT please visit and follow EUROMAT on LinkedIn and Twitter using our hashtag #EUROMATGS2016.

For press enquiries and for any further information related to the event please contact:

Kasia Duchna | Direct Tel +32 2 213 13 44 | Mobile +32 491 901 029|