
The European Gaming and Amusement Federation (EUROMAT) is the voice of the land-based gaming entertainment industry in Europe.

A highly regulated and highly taxed industry section contributing to more than 250,000 jobs across Europe. The organisation was established in 1979 to represent, through its affiliated national associations, private sector operators of gaming machines and the manufacturers that supply them. Today, EUROMAT has 14 national member associations from 11 European countries, as well as 
6 corporate members.

EUROMAT instigates dialogue with the European Union and other pan-European bodies to discuss gaming related public policy issues. It represents its members’ views on all European policy that might affect the legal, commercial and technical aspects of the business to guarantee the best possible future for the sector.

It also provides accurate information on the gaming sector to citizens, European media and national administration and supports its members in their efforts to promote socially responsible practice.

EUROMAT – the voice of the land-based gaming entertainment industry in Europe


EUROMAT campaigns for a better and fair business environment
for the land-based gaming entertainment sector in Europe.

A better and fairer business environment includes the following elements:


of the online sector so that it does not distort the market against land-based companies providing gaming entertainment in a responsible and controlled environment.


that is fair and does not discriminate against land-based businesses.


with regulators to ensure that our sector maintains high standards of responsible conduct and is recognised as a positive contributor to Europe’s leisure entertainment industry.